Opengraph could not output the custom tags in front page?

edited March 2018 in Modules

I had installed the Opengraph module (version 1.3.1) from repository on my latest atlantis project, and find it nice to edit the open graph tags.

But the problem is it could not output in front page. After a lot debugging I couldn't find the what is the problem behind this.

Could any one find the what is problem?


  • edited March 2018

    The open graph module use 'page.loaded' event to attach the tags. Usually this event is fired before the page is rendered. Somehow in the last release we have the event method after that.
    So you have to replace this code manually

                        /** Fire the page.loaded event * */
                        \Event::fire("page.loaded", [$this->currentPage]);

    from in \vendor\atlantis-labs\atlantis3-framework\src\Atlantis\Controllers\PageController.php line 165 to line 151 just before

       $pageString = $body->render();

    PS: With the next release this wll be fixed so you dont have to worry to updade your CMS

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